Monday, December 6, 2010

Toady's Story

Toady is my most recent addition.
In August 2010 I saw an ad for an 11 year old ex breeder dusky male. It spoke to me, but I figured it wasn't a good time to add to my flock.
A few weeks later, I was doing a search for coral billed pionus. I was looking at breeders website and clicked on "available" knowing very well that I would not be getting another bird any time soon. The very first think I saw was the very same ad for that ex breeder male dusky. I figured it must be fate, and decided to email her. I told her that I still had to talk with my family (and was sure that my dad was going to nix the idea) but was able to get some more information about him and talk with the breeder a bit. She was extremely nice and friendly and sent me a few videos of Toady and told me more about him.
Toady's mate had died a year before and he was living in a large aviary with an African Grey and another male pionus. He was origionally a "pet" but had been a breeder for several years and was only handled with a perch. Here is the first photo I saw of him.

I talked with my dad, and to my austonishment, he actually agreed to let me get Toady.
Toady was flown to me from Indiana. I  was completely terrified. I thought that something would go wrong, but it was actually a very smooth trip.
He stepped up right out of his carrier, which I was suprised about and continued stepping up regularly.
Eventually he showed me what characters pionus can really be. Kei is lazy in comparison. Toady loves to dance and sing and bob his head. He is a real ham. 

He eventually got to know me and even began to become affectionate. He loves to sit on my shoulder and preen my hair. He is a real sweetheart. 

And I have never met a bird that loves fresh veggies as much as Toady does. 
He and Kei are not quite friends, but they respect each other for the most part. I think they both think of me as their "mate" which is very surprising for Toady, who I thought would never really like me. 
 I really hope Toady has many more years with me. Our bond grows day by day, and I feel lucky to be chosen by him. 

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