Saturday, February 12, 2011

Progress with Toady

I have been meaning to post about the progress I'm making with Toady.
Toady has been letting me scritch his head and most nights before bed, he's been regurgitating for me. This is huge progress for a bird who was kept as a breeder and not handled for several years. :)
Love you Toady.


  1. This may be a really stupid question but what does regurgitating mean? My birds have never done it (I would have probably had a heart attack if they had) so I'm not really sure why birds do it.

  2. Regurgitating is when birds basically throw up their food to feed their mates or chicks. They usually only will do this for a perceived mate. It is different from vomiting. Regurgitation is a deliberate up and down head bob directed at something whereas when a bird vomits it usually shakes it's head side to side and the vomit flies everywhere.
